Diogo Sperandio

Hello World!

I'm Diogo, currently working as a software engineer and development using java and golang. I am graduate (post-graduated) in Software Architecture at PUC-MG and always studying new tools, languages and technologies in order to be updated and constantly learning and create new aplications for end-to-end systems and usually write documentation training Jr and mid level developers.


  • I performed stabilization and improvements in a note sending application with an average of 5k calls per day with monitoring via grafana and dashboards on elastic in order to control shipments and highlight errors. Stack: Java, Springboot, MongoDB, Azure, Junit, Grafana, Elastic.

  • Contributes to the development of an end-to-end project, participating in the design and architecture decisions (event-oriented microservices). Implemented golang in the project and developed a consumer [poc-consumer-go] standard that enables rapid development, resilience in the consumption of message, scalability and especially resource savings. I have been specializing more and more in the language and wrote an article on medium. Stack: Golang, microservices, software architecture, kafka.

    Contact me at diogosperax@gmail.com.

    Books: My Books

    More on Linkedin.

    Some Certificates.

    History of studies in Alura.

  • Seals

    IoT Seal by Cisco Seal scrum fundamentals